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What is Grief?

Grief can take control of your life if you allow it to overpower you to the point of relenting or giving up. None of us are immune to adversity and grief affects individuals from all walks of life. It’s a deep poignant sorrow caused by losing someone who’s important to you.

Dealing with grief is hard and it’s not a quick fix. Loss can be losing a loved one as a result of death, losing a child to gang violence, drugs, sex, or alcohol, or losing a spouse in a divorce.

The average amount of time grieving takes is two to four years. Forty percent of women, 13% of men, and 5% of children are affected by grief. Sixty percent of individuals commit suicide each year as a result of grief.


When facing certain circumstances in life, it makes you wonder if you could survive the challenge. Grief is not a problem to be fixed, but a process that needs to be supported by family and friends. It may be difficult but it can be turned around.

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